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$19.99 | 198 pgs | Isbn 9781888160482 | Richard DeGowin

“In his memoir, Life on the Mississippi, Mark Twain writes: ‘The Mississippi is well worth reading about. It is not a commonplace river, but on the contrary is in all ways remarkable.’ In this memoir, the author presents us with a book well worth reading. With subdued passion, clarity of memory, attention to detail, and careful selection of twenty topics of inviting river interest, he offers the reader a fascinating description of life within the Driftless Area. When the last page is turned, the eyes and imagination will have had an experience truly remarkable.” —Gary F. Krapfl, D.Min., Retired Pastor & Professor

“Anyone who has boated on the Mississippi, or has ever wanted to, will enjoy this well-written account of one family’s experiences. House-boating provides memories that last a lifetime. I particularly like the encounter with one of the thousands of wing dams lurking beneath the river’s surface to surprise
the inattentive boater. These were constructed by the Corps of Engineers to force the water to remain in the main channel. The Mississippi has many islands and sandbars to hide behind, out of current and away from the wakes of passing towboats. Poking the bow into the shore keeps the props in deep water and allows boaters access to sandy beaches and campsites. Once started this book is hard to put down. As the Water Rat said to the Mole, in The Wind in the Willows, ‘there is nothing—absolutely nothing—half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats.’” —Robert E. Rakel, MD, Founding Chairman, Department of Family Medicine, the University of Iowa

Richard L. DeGowin, MD, FACP, Professor Emeritus, Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Hematology, The University of Iowa, lives in Iowa City with his wife, Karen. He graduated from University of Iowa High School and attended The University of Michigan to complete his premedical studies. He received his MD and residency training at The University of Chicago. He also authored House of Moffitt (2014)

After discharge from two years active duty in the US Army Medical Corps, he accepted a position as Assistant Professor of Medicine and Project Supervisor, Argonne Cancer Research Hospital of The University of Chicago. He returned to Iowa City as Associate Professor of Medicine, Section of Hematology with a joint appointment in the Radiation Research Laboratory and as Attending Physician at The University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics and at The Veterans Administration Hospital. He was the Founding Director of The University of Iowa Cancer Center. He served as coauthor with his father for the first four editions of DeGowin s Diagnostic Examination, and for the five subsequent editions after his father died in 1980. Now in its tenth edition, it has been in print for 50 years, with translations into German, French, Italian, Spanish, Greek, Portuguese, and Chinese. He received the Laureate Award from the Iowa Chapter of the American College of Physicians, and while attending his 50th Year Medical School Reunion, he received The Distinguished Service Award of The University of Chicago.